Welcome to a German-speaking Orthodox church community worshipping in the heart of the city of Munich.
Germany is a land rich in Christian history. In the early centuries following the Resurrection of our Lord, scores of men and women dedicated their lives to God in this land, even to the point of martyrdom. In the quiet corners of Munich, such as the courtyard of the Siluoankapelle where the wall mural of Saint Florian the Fireman stands watch, their memory endures. Our city still remembers Saint Emmeram of Regensburg, who was martyred near Munich, Saint Onuphrius of Egypt, whose icon from the 15th C. to this day looks over the historic central square of Marienplatz, New Martyr Alexander Schmorell who gave his life resisting the Nazi regime, and many more.

Munich’s Orthodox Church of the Holy Apostle Thomas was formed in January 2017 with the blessing of His Eminence Mark, Metropolitan of All-Germany of the Russian Church Outside of Russia.

The aim of our parish is to conduct our liturgical services in German: not only the Divine Liturgy, but also the Vesper service and the Matins service. This is unique among the Orthodox parishes in our city and is grounded in the commandment of Jesus Christ Himself to go out to all peoples, making disciples, baptising and teaching (Matthew 28:19).
The Orthodox Church alone has preserved the teaching of the Apostles in its pure form without adding or detracting from its fullness, which was delivered “once and for all to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Within our Church the words of Christ are manifest, “A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither does one light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lamp-stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house” (Matthew 5:14-15). Our hope is that the hearers of all confessions and religions, regardless of background, may find in the Orthodox Church the True and Holy Christian Faith. Come and see!